Frequently Asked Questions about Entry Level Driver Training
Q: Why are these new federal regulations in place?
A: The ELDT mandate aims to underscore the high standard for safety, especially when navigating large loads. Prior to February 7, 2022, each state had its own commercial driver’s license training requirements. The new ELDT means that everyone nationwide will be using the same curriculum, establishing a national benchmark for drivers and their safety skills regardless of which state they come from.
Q: Is there a minimum number of hours required for the theory curricula?
A: No. There are no required minimum instructional hours for theory training, nor for BTW training. At TDI, your instructor will use assessments and evaluations to determine if you are proficient in both theory and BTW curriculums.
Q: With the new federal ELDT regulations, will it cost more to complete training for a CDL?
A: Not at all! Contrary to popular belief, funding your truck driving education through a professional truck-driving school will not break your wallet with thousands of dollars.
Q: What if I obtained my CLP or CDL before February 7, 2022?
A: You are not required to complete ELDT, as long as you obtain a CDL before the CLP or your renewed CLP expires. If your CLP expired before you applied for your CDL, you must complete the required entry-level driver training before you will be permitted to take the CDL skills test. If you were issued an S, P, or H endorsement before February 7, 2022, then you are also not required to complete ELDT, even if it has since elapsed.
Q: If I hold a CDL that was issued before February 7, 2022, what if I apply to upgrade to a higher class of CDL after February 7, 2022?
A: To obtain a higher class of CDL, you must complete the required ELDT for that class of CDL before you are permitted to take the CDL test. For example, if you want to apply for an S, P, or H endorsement, and you hold a CDL that was issued before February 7, 2022, then you would need to complete the required ELDT for the endorsement(s) you are applying for before taking the S or P skills test or H acknowledgment test.