How Much Does it Cost to Be a Truck Driver

If you’re asking yourself, “how much does it cost to be a truck driver?” then you’re in the right place. One of the many concerns when getting your education is the cost- we understand that. Truthfully, there are many different options for you if you’re concerned about cost when gaining your CDL, so there needn’t be any worries about finances.

How Much Does it Cost to Be a Truck Driver: Options

It’s not uncommon for many truck driving schools to be monumentally expensive, and thus exclude many individuals from starting their careers as truck drivers. These schools often cost upwards of $8,000 and last from 4-6 weeks. This means that not only are you paying a large sum of money, but the school keeps you from working, as well. Time is money- many truck-driving schools siphon too much of both. Truck Driver Institute seeks to buck this trend and make our driving school as affordable as possible.

Our school only requires you to pay as little as $225 out of pocket to start. From there, your funding can be handled by one of our many different payment methods. We act in accordance with the GI Bill ® programs and offer financing options and infinitely more ways to pay for your schooling. Learn more about these in the sections below.

Did we mention that time is money? That’s right- the more time that you spend in the classroom is less time you spend making money. That’s why Truck Driver Institute’s CDL training program only lasts 3 weeks. Our focus is to get you the best education available while getting you on the road as soon as we can. 

GI Bill ® Programs

The post-9/11 GI Bill ® is a program made to assist military service members to pay for their education if they have served on or after September 11th, 2001. There are some exclusions and stipulations to this bill, but as a baseline it serves as assistance to those who served in the military, repaying them by paying for a portion or all of their education. If you still need more information about attending CDL training school if you’re still an active service member, check out our blog post on the subject. TDI aims to provide accommodations for all of our students, and you may find that getting a CDL during active duty can be easier than you think.

Employer Tuition Assistance

At Truck Driver Institute, we boast an 80% job placement rate for our students. This means that upon the time of course completion, we have secured or assisted in securing a job at one of our many trucking partners for our students. Many of these trucking partners have expressed interest in hiring graduates of the Truck Driver Institute, and offer tuition assistance to those that they want to hire directly after graduation.

Employer tuition assistance is when your current or future employer pays for your schooling. This is typically done under an agreement where you are required to work for this employer for a set amount of time after your graduation. If you can find an agreement with an employer like this, it’s a great way to cover your tuition without any loans and have a secure job placement after graduation.

Financial Assistance for Self-Paying Students

Many of our students ask themselves, “How much does it cost to be a truck driver,” and are paying their own way through schooling. We respect the dedication and hard work it takes to do this; this is why Truck Driver Institute wants to help. We offer unique financing options for students who are independently financing their education. Truck driving requires hard work, dedication, and fortitude, and we at TDI have especially found these qualities within our independent students.

Truck Driver Institute offers financial assistance to aid self-paying students in their pursuit of a CDL. Everyone deserves an education—there’s no reason that money should come between you and your future career.

Student Loans

Student loans have received a bad name in the education field. They are often viewed as a trap, something that you borrow from and are never able to pay back: it doesn’t have to be this way. We set our tuition costs as low as possible, so in the event that you do have to take out student loans, the future burden on your finances is minimal. 

At Truck Driver Institute, you can get started trucking in just three weeks- which means that you can start paying back those student loans much faster than you would be able to in any traditional university or another post-secondary setting.

Benefits of Truck Driving as a Career

When considering “how much does it cost to be a truck driver,” you may also be curious as to why truck driving is a good career choice. First off, truck driving is incredibly quick to start. With Truck Driver Institute, you can get your CDL in just 3 weeks and start driving immediately. Secondly, it pays well: truckers can obtain a starting salary of $75,000. Compared to your initial investment of just over $200, it’s a worthy one. And finally, it offers a high amount of flexibility. Truck drivers can choose routes for themselves, pick their driving times, and choose whether or not they want to return home every day.

If you’re still looking for information regarding taking out loans or otherwise financing your truck driver education, check out our blog post on taking out loans with bad credit. Education should be accessible to everyone: we at Truck Driver Institute have made it our mission to provide the best education at the most affordable price.

Frequently Asked Questions About CDL Training Costs at TDI Compared to Other Schools

What is the typical cost range for obtaining a CDL and how does TDI compare?

The cost of obtaining a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) generally ranges from $4,000 to $12,000, covering tuition, application fees, medical exams, and testing fees. TDI offers a significantly lower starting cost for our program, with initial out-of-pocket expenses as little as $225, making it an affordable option compared to the broader range.

What financial assistance options are available at TDI?

TDI provides a variety of financial assistance options that many other schools might not offer. Students at TDI can avail themselves of scholarships, grants, and benefits through the GI Bill®. Moreover, TDI partners with carriers who offer tuition reimbursement programs, potentially covering the full cost of tuition. This approach contrasts with other institutions where financial assistance might be limited or tied to restrictive employment contracts.

Are there hidden costs in CDL training at TDI?

One of the advantages of training at TDI is the transparency in cost structuring. While other schools might not disclose additional expenses beyond tuition, TDI upfront lists potential costs, which primarily include low initial out-of-pocket fees. This policy contrasts with other institutions where hidden costs like lodging, meals, and transportation can significantly increase the overall expense.

How do the facilities and equipment at TDI compare to what is found at other truck-driving schools?

TDI prides itself on using industry-standard equipment and facilities, which provide a realistic and practical learning environment. In comparison, some other schools might use simulators or outdated equipment. TDI’s hands-on approach with real trucks and current technology better prepares students for the actual conditions they will face in the trucking industry.

What are the long-term benefits of choosing TDI over other truck driving schools?

Choosing TDI can be beneficial for career prospects due to its strong industry connections and robust job placement services. Their partnerships with major carriers not only help with tuition reimbursement but also facilitate employment opportunities post-graduation. This is an edge over some schools where placement services might be less comprehensive or tied to specific carriers under less favorable conditions.

How does the duration of training at TDI compare to other programs?

TDI offers streamlined programs designed to get students trained and ready for the road typically within a few weeks. This is generally faster compared to programs at other institutions, which can last several months. The accelerated program at TDI is ideal for individuals looking to start their truck driving career without the lengthy time commitment required by other schools.

What support does TDI offer to students during the training process?

TDI provides extensive support throughout the training process, including personalized instruction and access to experienced trainers. This support system is crucial for addressing individual student needs and contrasts with larger classes at other schools where personalized instruction might be limited.

How does TDI ensure the quality of its training programs?

TDI maintains high standards for its training programs by employing experienced instructors and continuously updating its curriculum to reflect industry standards. This dedication to quality ensures that TDI graduates are well-prepared for their careers, a commitment that might not be as pronounced at other institutions.

What is TDI’s approach to ensuring safety during training?

Safety is a paramount concern at TDI, and they implement rigorous safety protocols during training. This includes both theoretical and practical training that emphasizes safe driving practices. The focus on safety at TDI exceeds what might be found at other schools, where practical training could be compromised due to cost-saving measures.

Why should prospective students choose TDI over cheaper or more expensive alternatives?

Choosing TDI is beneficial due to its balance of cost, quality, and speed of training. The low upfront costs combined with high-quality instruction and quick entry into the workforce make TDI a superior choice for many prospective truck drivers. Other schools might offer lower costs by compromising on training quality or equipment, or higher costs without corresponding benefits in job placement or financial assistance options.

Get Started With Truck Driver Institute

Truck Driver Institute has made a commitment to improving the accessibility of our education to as many students as possible. If you’re worried about how much it costs to be a truck driver, then hopefully your worries have been assuaged by reading this post. If not, we’d like you to contact us and find out what we can do for you; contact us through our website or call us at (800) 848-7364.

Get Started

Get your Class A CDL in our friendly, supportive CDL training program. TRAIN with experienced instructors – multiple good-paying, secure job choices with benefits available for eligible graduates. EARN $700 – $1000+ / week to start as a truck driver. Get started today by filling out the form below. We look forward to hearing from you!